
Welcome Back SEU Feminists!

Welcome back SEU Feminists!

I'm excited for this year, and I know everyone else is too! I thought I'd start an open discussion thread so we can share what we want to accomplish this year- I'll start:

1. Get more posts cross-posted (or primarily featured in) the campus newspaper, especially if they are campus-related and not just op-eds. The Hilltop Views is also launching their online edition sometime in October.

2. Start the SEU Feminist Book Club

3. Bring in more guest writers and more campus-related posts. I think we've had two guest writers and only a few campus-related posts so far. Let's bring some more variation in!

4. Keep up with posting in general (guilty.)

That's all I can think of at the moment. Even if you're just a reader, feel free to chime in on what you'd like to see and how you think we can improve. Ready, set, go!

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